Tuesday 16 December 2008

The plan for the opening sequence: characters, mise-en-scene, time, motif, editing, audio, costume

The main protagonist is the villian. During the opening sequence his face is never shown. This will make him seem mysterious to the audience. He is a very sinster guy who is mentally ill. We will show this by filming the character perfecting his knives, and by placing items in a certain order - like he has OCD. This adds to the character's disturbing personality. The villian has been stalking the girls for time. This is shown by him having photographs of the girls throughout their life. This will set an enigma as to why he has been stalking the girls. There is a specific reason - however, in the opening sequence it is not known.

The victims will be two teenage girls. They will be portrayed innocent and naive. The names of the girls is not needed to be picked. However, the girls playing the part will be Charina and Rebecca. The girls have been friends all their life - this is shown with photos of them together. The girls care about each other very much and there is a strong bond between them. There is no other characters shown in the opening sequence, it is focused around the two girls and the killer.

The mise-en-scene
There will be two girls will be tied up back-to-back on the floor in the centre of the workshop. They will be centred in the middle of an empty and old looking garage. There will be a table at one end of the garage. On the table will be knives, tools, alcohol, medication, tools etc. This shows the audience what type of person the villian is. The killer will be captured putting photographs on a wall, setting the enigma of why and who he has the pictures and how long has he been taking them for. We choose to do the mise-en-scene like this because it was a typical killing scene, however, we can access an empty garage easily. Also, this didn't affect our cost of the film.

Time will be set with the pictures by ensuring that there is a growth in age from the first picture to the last. There will be a calender on the wall to establish what month and year they are in. We can tell it is night time too, because it is dark. We will film it at night to make it look realistic. The era will be shown by the clothing the girls will be waering.

The motif linked to the plot is that there is defiantly a link as to why the killer has kidnapped the two girls, but will not be introduced until later on in the film.

We will use editing to draw the audience in, we will be using “continuity editing” to perform different camera movements. We are going to use a point of view shot when the villain strokes a picture of the girls. We will be filming it through the eyes of the villian. A panning shot will be used at the beginning to introduce the characters and to add suspense. At the end of the opening sequence, screen will go black - we will do this by using a transition. The opening sequence is acting as a prologue to the film. This will draw the audience into the rest of the film.

The only sound heard would be non-diegetic sound of the villian sorting out his items. He will also be laughing, groaning and will breathe heavily. This will add to the suspense of the film. No dialogue is spoken between any of the characters. However, silence will be used at a certain point in the film, then when one of the girls screams. The silence will build up tension then when she screams this will scare the audience. There will also be a theme tune played (see 'Audio and Sound')

Costume/clothing will be teenage clothes for the young girls in our opening sequence, general clothes that they would wear . Maybe dirty torn or ripped from the situation they are in due to the being in an unnatural situation (see 'Clothing')

Charina and Hannah

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