Thursday 15 January 2009


The clothing of the characters is a very important aspect to look at. It can reveal so much about a character: their personality, their interests, what sort of person they are. I'm going to research ideas into what clothing should be worn to show that the girls are innocent and are the victims; and that the villian is a vile man.

The girls will be dressed in modern clothing. This establishes the era of the film. Flowers and prints will be worn to show that the girls are feminine with colours such as pink and purple. The girls clothing will be ripped with buttons undone to show they have been abused in some way. They could wear jeans or a skirt. Shoes such as pumps or boots could be worn - this again adds to the girls being feminine.

The villian will not be fully shown. However, he will wear all black - this shows he is a dark character.

Colour symbolism:
Black: Absence, power, sophistication, formality, wealth, mystery, evil, death, fear, anonymity, anger, sadness, remorse, mourning, unhappiness, sex, seriousness, conventionality, rebellion, anarchism, unity, sorrow.
Pink: Spring, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, femininity, health, love, sex, marriage, joy, innocence.
White: Light, reverence, purity, truth, peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, sterility, surrender, cowardice, fearfulness, death, life, hope.
Yellow: Sunlight, joy, happiness, optimism, intelligence, hope, cowardice, illness, weakness, femininity, friendship.

I thought the colours pink, yellow and white represent what clothes the girls should wear. I think the black should be worn by the villian to show his power, mystery and anger. The colour black represents death, fear and evil - like the character.


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