Sunday 14 December 2008

Mise en Scene

The mise-en-scene is important as it sets the scene of the film. It establishes time and place, which is a key in producing a good opening sequence.

Lighting : Our opening sequence will include high key lighting to show the photographs at the beginning of the film, this is to clearly show the chracters in the photographs. The room needs to be fairly dark, however, because the villain switches the light to reveal the two other characters (the young girls). A flshing of the light will introduce the two girls - this will add suspense to the oopening sequence.

Camera: There will be a close up of one of the girls - this will show her emotion clearly. Zooming in will add suspense. When the two girls are first shown there will be a 180 degree shot of where the girls will be sitting to establish which side the girls are sat , and which part of the room they are in. A panning shot at the beginning of photographs will introduce the girls and add anxiety for the audience.

Audio/Sounds :There will be digetic sounds such as screaming , movement sounds and things like tools moving or being moved. There will be a non-digetic theme at the beginning of the opening credits to establish the genre of the sequence.

Props : Tools around the room of where the opening sequence is set, photographs on the wall, alcohol, drugs and ropes and generally objects used in a horror kidnap.

Hannah and Charina

1 comment:

SMC Media Student said...

Take care here with you terminololgy. Non-diegetic sound is the sound the characters can't here but have been added in post production fr the audience. Eg. the soundtrack/music. Screams etc will probably be diegetic sound. (Mrs A)